Q: What is the Dollar worth against the Mexican Peso?Ī: One Dollar is worth 20.0343 Mexican Pesos today To convert Dollars to Mexican Pesos or determine the Dollar Mexican Peso exchange rate simply use the currency converter on the right of this page, which offers fast live exchange rate conversions today!
#Precio del dolar en mexico full#
These are basically some of the reasons that define the importance that the US dollar has on the Mexican economy and especially the importance of knowing their current value.For full history please visit USD/MXN exchange rate history page Dlar hoy en Mxico - Tipo de cambio actual Hoy Sbado 8 de Octubre de 2022 el tipo de cambio promedio del dlar en Mxico es de 1 Dlar 20.0266 Pesos -0.0011 -0.01 Compra 19.7595 Venta 20.2937 Da Inhbil Bancario En La Semana -0.10 -0.48 En El Mes -0.11 -0.53 En El Trimestre -0.11 -0.53 En El Ao -0.41 -1. The dollar is also the official currency in which the Bank of Mexico saves its international reserves. In this website, we show the price of the dollar in Mexico’s leading banks, updating its value every 30 minutes to keep you well informed about the current dollar value or commonly called "Dollar Today", the banks that we show are:īanamex, CitiBanamex, Santander, Monex, Banjercito, Banco de Mexico, HSBC, Banorte, BX+,īanco Azteca, Inbursa, Scotiabank, Banco del Bajio, Bancomer, IxeĪs extra information, it is noteworthy that the stock market of all countries use the dollar as an element on which various transactions are measure and guarantee. Mientras el precio oficial del dólar esta en 20.07 promedio segun la ultima publicacion del Banco de México. The dollar’s role in the Mexican economy is clearly one of the main elements of which depends on stability, and that is the main currency in which remittances are received from the United States, representing the second largest source of income in the country. Precio del Dólar Actual en Banorte: Al día de hoy: sábado 08 de octubre de 2022 - Hora:01:45:02 AM el dólar se esta cotizando en 18.90 pesos a la compra y en 20.30 pesos a la venta, de acuerdo a el sitio web de Banorte. The importance of this currency, especially lies to Mexico that this country belongs to the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) which is composed of Mexico, USA and Canada, and also 80% of its exports are to the United States, this being the main reason, which is important to know the price of the dollar and its behavior in the currency conversions. La tasa de cambio para principios del mes es de 20.216. Bank of America Send Money to Mexico from United States USD/MXN. Pronostico del Dolar Peso Mexicano para febrero de 2023. Compare Bank of America Exchange Rates to Send US dollar (USD) to Mexican peso (MXN). En El Salvador, el dólar promedia en 8.7548 colones. A la compra se cotiza en 625.60 mientras que a la venta está en 629.20 colones. Precio del dólar en México este viernes 02 de septiembre del 2022. Para Costa Rica el precio del dólar promedia en 627.40 colones. Precio del dólar en México sube este miércoles 31 de agosto de 2022. Pronostico Libra Peso Mexicano 2022, 2023-2026. A la compra se cotiza en 24.5861 mientras que a la venta está en 24.8000 lempiras. Since a long time the dollar is and remains the most widely used currency in the world economy, some countries like Panama, El Salvador and Ecuador adopted the US dollar as its official currency. La previsión del Dolar Peso Mexicano para final de mes es de 20.216, -1.1.

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#Precio del dolar en mexico iso#
In the international standard ISO 4217 is defined as USD (United States Dollar) or what is the same, "American Dollar". Asegura tu futuro con la nica inversin que es un seguro de vida. The US dollar is the most important currency in the world. If you are going to buy, your best option is: Banorte in $18.85 pesos per dollar. If you are going to sell, your best option is: Santander in $21.06 pesos per dollar.